Aluma Photo-Plate – 20 Years in Business
Celebrate with us - Aluma Photo-Plate is celebrating 24 Years In Business

PLEASE NOTE - Prices are subject to change.

Metal ID Plates, Labels & Interpretive Signs

Aluma Photo-Plate Co. is your source for aluminum ID plates, metalphoto labels, decals, interpretive signage and much more. Our product line even includes tree markers, metal printed keepsakes and ornaments. We are committed to manufacturing the best products and equipment identification name plates for your company and service. Our processes span from polycolor to metalphoto printing, all of which are able to perform in harsh, challenging and hostile environments while meeting Mil-Specs. Aluma Photo-Plate produces products that go the extra mile and remain functional under extended exposure while maintaining unmatched appearance, legibility, and longevity against the competition.

Contact us today for requests and quotes


  • Nameplates &
    Control Panels

    photo anodized aluminum name plates

    Aluma Photo-Plate Co. uses a photo-anodized aluminum name plate technology, which meets many Mil-Spec, UL, CSA, up to 20-year outdoor use, and other recognized ratings. Our aluma-photo process performs well in the harshest of environments.
    —Unmatched durability and visibility.

  • Decals, Labels & Stickers

    polyester decal

    Our custom vinyl stickers, metal photo labels, and polyester decals make directions and safety warnings stand out with highly visual impact. Complete with easy and long-lasting mounting technology.
    —Durable mini-signs protect your good name and people.

  • Recognition &
    Award Plaques

    award plaques, diplomas, certificates

    Special people deserve the very best when that momentous occasion comes around. We offer the highest photo-quality images and graphic reproductions for metal recognition and award plaques, diplomas, certificates, newspaper articles, memorial plates and more.
    —Beauty that lasts.

  • Compliance &
    Mil Spec Plates

    compliance plates

    Robust, long-lasting nameplates for the toughest climates and conditions. We manufacture compliance plates, Mil-Spec tags, decals, and plates for all exacting applications.
    —Equipment and product markings of the highest quality and durability.

  • Metal Printed

    compliance plates

    Our custom metal-printed diplomas are sure to be a household staple for generations to come. Using our MetalPhoto technology, our diplomas are built to last throughout one's lifetime. —A treasure any recent grad cherish forever.

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